Tuesday, September 9, 2008

let me tell you bout my best friend

She's been my best friend for 17 years now, since we were wee little tots. We've been through basically everything there is go through together and I love her with all my heart. Basically we finish each other sentences all the time we know each other so well. I would do anything in the world for this young lady. I can always count on her. She is such a blessing. Basically I would jump infront of a moving car to save her if I needed to.

This was the first time we EVER had Chinese food in the little boxes and we'd always wanted it!
The hurricanes have brought us rain and that give us a good excuse to wear our cute rain boots :]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw. you're my best friend, too. id do al those things you said you'd do for me and more. :) we've been through a lot of shit together and we will probably go through a lot more. :) ill always be here for you cesilee laine blackwelder. i love you. :)